Compare and choose: 1 loans for you

Apply for a loan online


Loans can be issued within 15 minutes to one business day without leaving your home

A good deal

The first loan can be received with a 0% commission


Minimal formalities and a simple loan application


The money is transferred to your bank account or card immediately after the application is approved and the contract is signed

Requirements for borrowers

Bank account

Eligible age for a loan

Valid IDs

Phone number and email

How to receive a loan?


1. Compare offers and choose a loan

Compare all offers, choose the most suitable loan and click “Get a loan“


2. Apply for a loan

Fill in the loan application with all the necessary information! We recommend sending an application to 2-3 companies to increase the chances of getting a loan!


3. Receive money

After receiving your application, the lender will contact you within 15 minutes to one business day. In case of a positive decision, the money will be transferred to your bank account or card.

How to repay the loan?


1. Payment with your bank card

In your personal account on the lender's website, you will be able to make a payment by choosing the bank card option


2. Payment via app

You can repay the loan through various apps such as Bayad Center, LBC, etc.


3. Payment in cash

You can make a cash payment at your bank by presenting a formalized payment order

Information about lenders - SOSCREDIT

Address: Philippines

Phone number: -


Max APR: 180%

Term: 62 days - 1 year

Age: 20 to 70

Cost example: Loan of 2400 ₱ for 3 months, monthly payment 870 ₱, total amount 2610 ₱, annual percentage rate APR 145%.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The annual interest rate is the total yearly cost of the loan, which is expressed as a percentage.

Loan of 2400 ₱ for 3 months, monthly payment 870 ₱, total amount 2610 ₱, annual percentage rate APR 145%.

Loan repayment

If a situation arises where the loan cannot be repaid on time, contact your lender! Most lenders offer the option to extend the loan. is not a lender and does not issue loans, nor is it responsible for the terms of loan agreements.

Borrow responsibly!

Carefully choose the loan and the amount of money you need! Always read the terms and conditions of your loan agreement!

Overdue payment

If you do not make a monthly payment within the term specified in the agreement, the lender may charge a penalty for each day of delay.